Current research taking place with leaders tested as highly politically skilled suggests that skills can be honed by several methods:
On the job – Using reflective practices to better prepare for and review political experiences at work
Classroom – there are remarkably few courses available in the USA or elsewhere globally to learn or develop political skill and improve one’s political intelligence at work. Politically savvy leaders have suggested to researchers that this is in part due to the negative connotations that still exist around those seen as “political”. Furthermore, researchers point out that the politically skilled elite do not want the competition training of other leaders and employees would bring. Managing with positive political intelligence weakens the control and influence of those who rely on negative political skill. Training pulls away the curtain of deception relied upon by negative political players (often termed as Machiavellians).
Our tried and tested course, run in several countries (including the USA, Australia and Asia) provides insight into one’s political skill and how to “read” the hidden side of organizational life. This course also provides each participant with specific strategies and tactics to address on of their real life political conflicts. Click for more information
Coaching –
Our consultants are competent and experienced coaches, helping all levels of managers in multiple countries hone their positive political intelligence. Contact us.
First 90-days planning – a self-managed process or supported by our coaches to help new leaders quickly learn the political nature of their new company, the key influencers, nodal contacts and manage their boss and team to avoid the common mistakes new leaders make.
Other – Aside from further reading, the literature on political skill development also identifies drama based courses, role play, game play and other learning solutions.
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