Political intelligence is another form of intelligence beyond IQ, the technical skills one learns throughout a career, general leadership competences, or emotional intelligence.
Career success and overall effectiveness of individuals and teams at work has shown in several studies to be influenced positively by one’s political skills. The ability to use political skills in the right way in the right situation is “political intelligence”. In a study, the respected Center for Creative Leadership (CCL) identifies career “derailers” for Executives. 90% of promising executives fail to reach their career potential because they fail to exhibit organizational savvy and working effectively with others.
However, it is “positive” politics that are behind these successes. The difference between negative and positive politics is widely addressed in recent literature. In simple terms, positive politics are skills used for the benefit of the team, department and Company/Organization (and stakeholders and customers). Negative politics are simply the same skills used for personal gain. Positive political intelligence has been shown in several studies to also lead to personal gain, but acquired through performance benefits, not trickery or subterfuge.
Studies of employees, professionals and leaders with positive political skills across many countries have shown to be more likely to be promoted, rewarded, liked/admired/seen as charismatic, and get results. There is even research showing those that can manage political skills in a positive manner possess, and have teams that exhibit, lower stress – including lower recorded blood pressure, less ill-health and fewer days absent from work due to sickness. Lower turnover is also a benefit that lowers costs and improves efficiencies in any organization. Simply put, team members are unlikely to achieve optimal performance with a leader who cannot manage the political arenas.
Positive Political Intelligence (P2I) is therefore beneficial for individuals to manage politics that exist in, are required by and improve efficiency and effectiveness within almost all organizations.
Positive political intelligence is beneficial in any country and culture.
While few would enjoy working for a leader demonstrating negative political skill (and as you are reading this you probably know exactly how that feels), research shows we prefer to work for competent leaders – that means those who can manage politics at all levels.
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